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Getting Started - Adding Job Status

There is only one field to fill in on this form, but the term "Job status" can be quite ambiguous.

In HRWize, job status is a depiction of whether the employee in question is a full time, part-time, temporary, permanent, casual, contractor, intern or whatever other overarching description you choose to use to define individual employees and roles - the information in this field allows you to filter and group on reports so it ideally should be something informative but you can use it for anything you like.

To add or edit Job status, simply goes to:

Administration > HR >  Data Management > Job Status 

You can also now attach a payroll code to your job role for easier identification by your financial users. To do this, select a payroll code from the drop-down list using the payroll code field.

You can set up further payroll codes by going to:

 Administration > HR > Data Management > Payroll Codes

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 4 years ago
