When creating an employee, you can set various options such as their job role, manager, etc.
Changing these options will be done in the "Change" screen from the Employee File area. The reason for this to have their own icon and for this not to be included in the "Edit" option, the "Change" option creates an employee job history that can be built up over time (tracking changes in role, managers, department, etc.).
You can also assign a "Change reason" and a "Change date" to these which will allow you to schedule future changes or workflows to trigger and add historic changes with an appropriate reason.
The following options and details can be updated from this area:
- Job title
- Job status
- Employee status
- Headcount classification
- Job location
- Region
- Department
- Sub-department
- Business Unit
- Company
- Cost centre
- Finance ID
- Manager
- Head of Department
- Approver
- Super approver
- Key employee
- Contract end date
- Probationary date
- Job Grade
- Currency
- Salary
- Working days
- User group
Click here for more information on how to use the employee's change icon.