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Time off Allowance Explained

Within your HRWize account, your time off balance will be displayed within a Doughnut Chart on your Home page.

Please bear in mind that your view of this chart may differ depending on how your company has configured the system. Depending on your company policy, this may also be displayed in Hours rather than Days.

At any point, if you hover over any of the sections in the graph the specific area will expand to show clearly show the value.

Depending on your company's settings, you may also see a Heading of Total timeoff allowance breakdown. If you click the Arrow down icon next to this heading, you'll be able to see a table showing your allowance in more detail.

Sections Explained

The center of the doughnut will clearly display how many days you have to remain. This is the value that will be deducted from, should you book any time off. You can also click on this to go to a page showing your time off requests.

  • Taken (T) - Displays the number of days that have been already been taken in the past.
  • Mandatory (M) - Days that have already been deducted from your allowance by your company. These are days that the whole company must have off either due to policy or legislation. For example, public holidays, bank holidays, etc.
  • Booked (B) - Refer to future time off requests which have yet to be taken.
  • True Balance (TB) - The remaining bookable allowance assuming that all 'Booked' days will be taken. Once a new time off request is approved, the true balance will be automatically recalculated to include the new booked days. Likewise, once a future booked date is canceled within the system the true balance will be automatically updated.

To calculate your full annual entitlement, simply add all of the section values together, and will show your total allowance. 

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