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Disabling Automatic Pro-rata Time Off Calculations

Within HRWize, time off types are usually prorated for mid-year starters. However, you have the option to turn off the prorating feature for individual time off types. This would be particularly beneficial to companies that offer employees a day off on their birthday. As this is a singular day, prorating this figure could result in employees only being given a fraction of a day.

You can find this option in:

Administration > HR > Timeoff Management > Time off types

From here, you can add a time off through the add button. When adding a time off type, one of the fields required is the "Deduct from employee allowance?".

For time off types that are not to be prorated - such as the previous birthday example - it is important that you set this field to 'Yes from individual allowance'.

When selected, another field will appear below the Deduction settings section:

If this is set to 'No', then allowances inputted into the time off type will not be prorated.

Click on 'Submit' once you are done and your time off type has been created.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
