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Candidate Progress

The candidate progress can be tracked easily with the use of the Recruitment workflow.

In Administration > HR > Workflows > Recruitment, you can customize the steps of your recruitment process. 

These steps will then show up on the candidate page for each candidate as such:

Where Green = Completed and Orange = Pending.

Hovering over the dot will show you the name of the step.

If the step is completed, you will see the name of the person who completed that step as well as the date completed:

Clicking the dot brings you to a new page that allows you to mark the step as complete:

To start progress steps for a candidate, click on the 'Progress' step found under the "Actions" section:

Which will bring you to a blank page, with a 'Start' button on the bottom right:

Once you press 'Start', your page will refresh and you will get the following notification at the top of the page: 

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
