Administration > Company > Settings > Timesheets > Timesheets Settings
General Settings
- Timesheets midnight rollover: No
Timesheets selectable weeks:
- weeks before: 2
- weeks after: 2
Data Selection Settings
- Timesheets - allow employees to choose non working days: Yes
Other Settings
- Timesheets - multiple lines per entry: Yes
- Does not apply to: *Blank*
- Timesheets - multiple lines per entry total calculation: Lines
- Timesheets- multiple lines per entry ignore breaks: No
- Timesheets - use references: Yes
- Timesheets references - managers add new references: Yes
- Timesheets - show billable: No
- Timesheets, expenses and mileage - allow pushback: Yes
- Timesheets total time entry only: Yes
- Timesheets total time entry unit: Hours
- Timesheets employee bulk upload: Yes
- Timesheets bulk approve: Yes
Time Tracking Settings
Time tracking use timesheets references: Yes