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Timesheets - Default Start, End and Break Time

In the timesheets settings, you have a choice to put a default start, a default end, and a default break time. This is seen when going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Timesheets > Timesheets Settings

Once on this page, you will see a setting called "Timesheets total time entry only":

When set as 'Yes':

You will not be asked to enter a start and end time but instead will be asked to enter a total time in minutes per day.

When set as 'No':

You will be asked to enter a start and end time. A new section will appear called Time Settings.

In Time Settings, you can enter a default start and end time. If they are left blank, the employee can enter their own start and end time. However, it must be entered as HHMM and using the 24-hour clock. For example, 3:05 pm would be written as "15:05", and 8:30 am would be written as "08:30".

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