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Bulk Upload - Time Off Types

The below article is relating to the bulk upload - Time Off Type which can be found by navigating to Administration -> Company -> Bulk Upload

The Time Off Type bulk upload is under the Time and Attendance section here:


Once you've clicked the Time Off Type Bulk Upload button you will be directed to this page:


This page includes:

Employee Field

In the CSV the first column is called employee ID, this setting relates to what you enter in that column, For example if you have used the employee's names in the CSV the employee name option will need to be selected. 

CSV file to upload

This is where you will load your CSV when it is ready to upload. Press browse and select the CSV file.

Download help file and instructions

This option will download our bulk upload help file. This includes instructions on how to use each bulk upload and lets you know which columns are mandatory and which are optional, it's important to look at the relevant help file before performing a bulk upload so you can get it right the first time.

Download CSV Model

The second option downloads an example template for you to use for the bulk upload with all the headers needed for the bulk upload to be successful.


Editing your CSV:

When you download your sample CSV file it will look like this:


Type Name - The name of the time off type which you would like to enter. Can contain letters and/or numbers. This field is Case Sensitive and Mandatory.

Deducting - Does this time off type have an allowance against it. Can only contain numbers 1-5. Valid options:

1 - Pool.

2 - Individual.

3 - Length of Service.

4 - Limited allowance.

5 - Length of Service alternative..

This field is Mandatory.

Paid - Is this leave paid? This should be entered as "0" or "1".

1 = Yes

0 = No

This field is Mandatory.

Bookable - Is this type of leave available for employees to request? This should be entered as "0" or "1"

1 = Yes

0 = No

This field is Mandatory.

RTW - Is a Return To Work from required when an instance of this absence is submitted.

This should be entered as "0" or "1"

1 = Yes

0 = No

This field is Mandatory.

Public Calendar - How much detail would you like to display on the public calendar for this time off type. Must contain, 1, 2 or 3.

1 = Yes, fully visible, e.g. Bob Smith, Annual Leave.

2 = Yes, but no reason shown, e.g. Bob Smith.

3 = No, not visible.

This field is Mandatory.

Default Deducting - Would you like your list of mandatory holidays to be deducted from this allowance.

This should be entered as "0" or "1"

1 = Yes

0 = No

This field is Mandatory.

Parent - Is this time off type part of an existing time off type? i.e. "cold and flu" would require a parent of sickness. Must contain the name of a time off type which already exists in the upload sheet exactly as it appears in the "Type name" column. This field is Optional.

Colour - Hex code of the colour which this will display as on the public calendar. Must contain a valid 6-digit hex colour code, e.g. 000000 = Black. This field is Optional.

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  1. Lara

  2. Posted a year ago
