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Data Changes Data Types

In reporting and workflows, it is possible to report on and trigger a continuous workflow on certain types of data changing in the system - this allows you to see, for example, if someone has changed their name, address and so on.

Below are a list of the changes we track and the fields which sit behind these:

Start date Employee start date
Leave date Employee leave date
Contract end date Employee contract end date
Resignation date Employee resignation date
Last working day Employee last working day
Probationary period end date Employee probationary period end date
Address (legacy)  Anything within the self service address screen
Address fields only Address1, Address2, Town, County, Post code or Country
Bank details Any bank field
Disability status Employee disability status
Emergency contact Any emergency contact field
Employee document upload Employee uploads any document via self service
Home email Employee home email address
Home telephone Employee home telephone number
Employee Name Employee's first name
Marital status Employee marital status
Employee surname Employee's last name
Employee gender Employee's gender
Mobile telephone Employee home mobile number
Registered disability status Employee registered disability status
Fire warden leaver Fire warden leaves
Key holder leaver Key holder leaves
First aider leaver First aider leaves
Mental health first aider leaver Mental health first aider leaves
Data protection officer leaver Data protection office leaves
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