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Workflows - Anniversary and Birthday Triggers

Within a workflow, it is possible to trigger emails at a set period before, on, or after an employee's work anniversary or birthday. Workflows of this type can be used to prearranged actions around employee anniversaries or birthdays and to notify necessary parties of this key information. For example, an employee's manager might want to be notified of their team's birthday so they can arrange a birthday card from their team!

In order to set up a workflow of this type to run continuously, the workflow options to select are:

  1. Continuous workflow category
  2. Trigger date type

This type of workflow will trigger based on the "When should this happen?" condition in the first workflow step. For example, using the following "When should this happen?" condition in the first step will cause the workflow to trigger 1 week before the employee's birthday:

Similarly, the following "When should this happen?" condition in the first step will cause the workflow to trigger 1 day before the employee's work anniversary.

You can also use "system fields" to include relevant information in the workflow email.

For example, [employee_birthday_date] to get the date of their birthday. The below example is a workflow email set to the employee's manager but includes the name of the employee in the subject and information about the employee's current manager and the employee in the email.

The step is set up in the workflow as follows:

The resulting email would display similar to the below:

System fields that can be used to relate to a work anniversary include:

  • [employee_anniversary_date] - Gives the next work anniversary date for the employee formatted as DD/MM/YYYY;
  • [employee_service_years] - Gives the employees current years service as a numerical value;
  • [employee_next_service_years] - Gives the employees next year's services as a numerical value.

It is also possible to set up work anniversary notifications without using a custom workflow. For further details, click here.

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