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Workflows Types and Categories

There are 3 types of workflows that are currently available for use within HRWize:

  • Approval
  • Continuous
  • Task

Each workflow has a specific purpose which is broken down into further trigger types. Below, you will find a summary of each type and a description of the available subtypes.

Approval Workflows

Approval workflows are designed to follow an action whenever the system requires a submission to be approved or declined such as a new employee, an expense claim, etc.

These Workflows automatically replace the system's default workflow and trigger immediately based on the assigned trigger type.

They are usually sequential as they work very well with the "After last action" step trigger type.

Approval Trigger Types:

  • Allowance Change - The workflow will trigger whenever an employee time off allowance is adjusted;
  • Expenses - The workflow will trigger whenever an expense request is submitted;
  • Job Change - The workflow will trigger whenever a change is made to the employees job on the "Employee changes" page;
  • Mileage - The workflow will trigger whenever a mileage request is submitted;
  • New Employee - The workflow will trigger whenever a new employee is added to the system;
  • Recruitment Requisition - The workflow will trigger whenever a manager raises a requisition request that must be approved by Admin/HR/recruiters;
  • Salary change - The workflow will trigger whenever an employees salary is changed in either the 'Employee changes' or 'Employee benefits' screen;
  • Timeoff - The workflow will trigger whenever a time off request is submitted;
  • Timeoff deletion - The workflow will trigger whenever a time off request is deleted;
  • Timesheets - The workflow will trigger whenever an employee submits a time sheet;
  • Time tracking - The workflow will trigger whenever a time tracking record is created that requires approval;
  • Time off trades - This type of workflow triggers when an employee requests a timeoff trade.
  • Training - The workflow will trigger whenever an employee or manager requests training.

Continuous Workflow

Continuous workflows are workflows that run in the background and look for situations that match specific criteria and then trigger the workflow.

These trigger in batches overnight and are usually triggered following a change or an event.

Continuous Trigger Types:

  • Calendar - The workflow will trigger based upon certain calendar days. These can be set to relative dates which are based on potentially changing dates such as the first Friday of every month. They can alternatively be set to absolute dates which are specified dates such as "12th January";
  • Changes - The workflow will trigger whenever a change has been made. This can be set to trigger on various different options such as "Start date" and "Last working day";
  • Trigger date - The workflow will trigger once on a specific date which is based on the FIRST item in the attached workflow. Please note, this will not trigger on the earliest date - it will always be based on the first in the list. This is useful for things such as employee birthdays and so on;
  • Expenses cost - The workflow will trigger when the selected expense falls within a specified cost range;
  • Mileage distance - The workflow will trigger when an employees mileage distance falls within a specified range;
  • Mileage cost - The workflow will trigger when an employees mileage costs fall within a specified range;
  • Timeoff duration - The workflow will trigger when an employees time off duration falls within a specified range. You can also set a trigger date for this. If a trigger date is set set only time off instances after this date will be counted in the calculations for checking for occurrences of time off;
  • Timeoff instances - The workflow will trigger when the employees number of time off instances falls within a specified range;
  • Employee age - The workflow will fire when an employee' sage matches the conditions given.

Task Workflow

Task workflows are workflows that are set against employees for things such as onboarding and offboarding.

Unlike Approval and Continuous workflows, these are typically manually triggered by using the publish button on the workflows screen though you can also automatically trigger these workflows from actions within the system such as a form submission or employee changes.

Instead of trigger types, the types for task workflows are used to identify the type of task you are assigning to the employee. Task workflows are normally based around specific dates such as an employees start date or leaving date.

These options have no bearing on how the workflow triggers or functions. They are simply used as identifiers.

Task Workflow Types:

  • Onboarding
  • Offboarding
  • Recruitment
  • Task

Workflow Conflicts

When creating workflows, it is important to note that you can make workflows that perform actions based on the same reason such as multiple workflows for different types of employee onboarding.

While task and continuous workflows will work when created in this way without conflict, it is important to keep in mind that approval workflows that trigger on the same event such as Approval(Job Change) or Approval(Timeoff) will conflict with each other and as a result, neither will trigger.

If you have 2 or more workflows that conflict, you will see the below banner warning at the top of your workflow page and it is advised that you resolve any conflicts displayed here before triggering your workflows:

If this happens, you can use Workflow Diagnostics which will show you which workflows are conflicting for which employees to help identify the overlap. You can then adjust, for example, the workflow sites to ensure that each employee only has one Timeoff workflow etc as required.

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