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Exit Reasons

When you are creating a leaver, you have the option to select an exit reason as to why the employee is leaving your business. To add an exit reason into the system, go to:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Exit Reasons

From this screen, you will see several options that allow you to customize your exit reasons as shown below:

Most of these options are self-explanatory, however, there are a few that benefit from the additional description which I have detailed below: 

  • Voluntary - This marks whether the exit reason is a Voluntary or Involuntary exit reason type. This can be reported on via our reporting tools. 
  • User groups - These user groups dictate who can make employees a leaver using this specific exit reason. For example, setting "Admin" will only allow administrators to see this exit reason when making an employee a leaver. 
  • Workflow - This setting allows you to trigger a task workflow upon making the employee a leaver. This is ideal for triggering offboarding workflows for these employees. 

Once created, your exit reasons will then appear in a drop-down list when making an employee a leaver on the system:

You also have the option to quickly add additional leave reasons from this screen with the quick add button on the right-hand side:

Choose files or drag and drop files
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