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Bulk Upload - Timesheets

The below article is relating to the bulk upload - Timesheets which can be found by navigating to Administration -> Company -> Bulk Upload.

The Timesheets bulk upload is under the Time and Attendance section here:


Once you've clicked the Timesheets Bulk Upload button you will be directed to this page:


  • You should ensure that the settings you use during the bulk upload match those in your timesheet settings
  • For example, if your timesheet settings expect timesheet times in minutes then you should ensure you enter your totals in minutes and so on
  • You should only enter EITHER start/end/breaks OR total but never both
  • Any variation from those settings will result in unexpected outcomes

This page includes:

Employee Field

In the CSV the first column is called employee ID, this setting relates to what you enter in that column, For example if you have used the employee's names in the CSV the employee name option will need to be selected. 

Include archived employees in search?

When using name or Works ID method, sometimes you may have multiple instances of the same employee with on active and one archived - if you set this to NO we will not search archived employees when marching and will only search your active employees. If you had 2 active employees of the same name, for example, this setting would make no difference.

Approval State Field

Would you like the timesheets you're submitting to be in Draft, Pending Approval or already Approved?

CSV file to upload

This is where you will load your CSV when it is ready to upload. Press browse and select the CSV file.

Download CSV Model

This option downloads an example template for you to use for the bulk upload with all the headers needed for the bulk upload to be successful.


Editing your CSV:

When you download your sample CSV file it will look like this:


Employee - This field relates to your chosen Employee field on the bulk upload page, if you have chosen employee name this will be the employee's first and last name exactly as they are on HRWize, if this is either the system or Works ID, this will be either of those IDs exactly as they are in HRWize too. This field is Mandatory and Case Sensitive.

Week beginning - The date of the first day for the week this timesheet spans across. This field must be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format. This field is Mandatory.

Date - The date of the daily entry for this timesheet. This field must be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format. This field is Mandatory.

Start - The start time for this timesheet entry. This field must be entered in hhmm format. This field is Optional.

End - The end time for this timesheet entry. This field must be entered in hhmm format. This field is Optional.

Breaks - The amount of time which has been taken as breaks on this day. Total amount of breaks entered in minutes. This field is Optional.

Total - The total amount of time which has been worked on this day. This field is only required if a start time, end time and breaks duration have not been entered. This field must be entered in minutes. This field is Optional.

Reference 0 - The reference which this timesheet relates to. Must contain an existing reference exactly as it appears in the system. This field is Case Sensitive and Optional

Reference 1 - The reference which this timesheet relates to. Must contain an existing reference exactly as it appears in the system. This field is Case Sensitive and Optional

Reference 2 - The reference which this timesheet relates to. Must contain an existing reference exactly as it appears in the system. This field is Case Sensitive and Optional

Task  - The task performed during this timesheet entry. Must contain an existing Task name exactly as it appears in the system. This field is Case Sensitive and Optional

Billable - Is this timesheet entry billable? Valid options are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

This field is Optional.

Comments - Any additional comments for this timesheet entry. This field is Mandatory.

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  1. Lara

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated 7 months ago
