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Custom Links and Button Text in Workflow Email Steps

There is now the option to use custom links and button text to increase the flexibility of custom workflows. 

 Custom links - Directs user to specific page/record in system

Custom button text - Replaces the default 'Login/Action now' with your custom textmceclip0.pngFor example, the custom email link is able to direct to any Employee page but will need to use the placeholder [employee_system_id] to direct to a specific Employee. This then allows the link to direct to the page/record for the specified Employee in the WF. 

The link can be found by going to that specific page for an Employee, copy/pasting the URL and changing the Employee's actual id to the placeholder [employee_system_id]).

Examples of using a custom link in an Email to direct to:

  • Employee training record =[employee_system_id]
  • Employee 'edit' page =[employee_system_id]
  • Employee 'Make leaver' page =[employee_system_id]
  • Employee Time off record =[employee_system_id]

The custom button text on the other hand can use the various placeholders but I expect only a handful would actually make sense when replacing the default 'Login/Action now' text i.e 

[employee_known_as] ...

An example of these working together:

[[ An email step to Employee's Manager with details in message content +
custom button text:  '[employee_first_name]'s Job Change page'
custom link:[employee_system_id] ]]

This will then create an Email containing the custom button text which links directly to the Employee's Job Change page via the custom link.

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