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Performance Improvement Forms

Performance Improvement Forms, like Performance Review Forms, allow managers to keep a record of improvement conversations with your team. Unlike Performance Review Forms, these forms are not visible to your employees, and are for managers' eyes only!

To create a Performance Improvement Form, go to:

 Administration > Company > Form Builder

Once inside the Form builder, you need to add a form and enter some basic information about the form such as the name and description. You also should choose the form type from the drop-down (Performance Improvement in this case).

You can have different forms for different job roles so you could have one form for your executive staff and a different form for other staff. To choose the roles to which this form applies to then tick the role(s) in the list. If you tick All job roles (current or future) or leave this section blank then the form will be used for all job roles.

You should ensure you only have one active form of each type (Performance improvement in this instance) for each job role. You can set old forms inactive, but if you have multiple forms active for the same job roles you may encounter scenarios where users see forms other than the intended one.

Many of these are optional. You will need to enter a form name, a form type, which job roles are to fill in the form, and status (active or inactive).

Once you have added the form, you need to build the structure of the form including adding and defining the fields.

Once you have submitted the initial form information, the system will take you through to the Form Builder tool where you can proceed to build the form fields.

The first field you will need to add is an "Assigned Employee" field, as depicted by the amber banner at the top of the page. The system will require this field in order to assign this form to an employee.

By copying the settings in the screenshot below and selecting Add once completed, you will be able to add this field into your form:

You can then continue to add fields.

At any point, you can edit a field already on the form by clicking the edit icon next to the field or delete it by clicking the delete icon. If you edit the field the left section of the screen will be populated with the information originally entered but please note the Database field name will be greyed out and cannot be changed.

How to use your Performance Improvement Form

Once you have built your performance improvement form and made it active, your managers will see it in a new menu on the left-hand side of HRWize.

Here you will see a table view of any Performance Improvement Forms available to your manager (based on their site and whether the form is active).

In the Actions column, next to the Performance Improvement Form, you'll see up to 3 icons:

  • Add - To complete a new performance improvement form against an employee.
  • View data - To view any performance improvement forms already created.
  • Download - To download the form data for any completed forms as a CSV file.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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