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Link Mandatory Documents to a Specific Job Role

In addition to setting documents as mandatory, you can also set mandatory documents for a specific job role. By doing so, you must first set mandatory documents in:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Mandatory Documents

Once you have added your mandatory documents list, you then will have to go to:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Job Roles

Here, you can add a new job role or simply click on the 'Pencil' icon to go to the edit page of the job role you chose.

Once in the edit or add page, in the Mandatory Documents and Training section, you will see all of the mandatory documents that you have listed previously:

Tick the ones you think this job role must require as mandatory documents. In this example, we tick the Driver's License and Passport for this job role.

Once you have submitted the update, you will have to go to an employee's card with the Job Role that you have ticked as mandatory documents. In their employee card, click on the 'Risks' icon:

Here, you will see all of the mandatory documents listed for this job role:

The green means that they have it listed in the employee's documents, and red means that they haven't upload that document yet.

In this instance, they have their "Driver's License" in the employee file, whereas they don't have their "Passport" document. We can see it listed in their file.

The Risks icon can help you to know whether they have this in their file or not.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
