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Bulk Change Approver

Through the manager change function in the system, you can bulk change the employee's manager. This is available in:

Administration > HR > Manager Change

This can be used in scenarios when an employee's approver leaves and the employees they approve needs to be moved to another approver. 

Please Note - This change function also tracks the histories of the changes.

Once you are on the Manager Change page, there will a change dropdown that you can select approver and this will display you a list of your approvers on the system. 

The "Current Approver" field allows you to select the current approver you wish to choose from:

The system will populate all the employees associated with this approver:

Then, select the checkbox next to the employee's names where you would like to change approvers. In the New Approver field, select who you wish to change the approver to:

Once completed, click on 'Submit'.

You will be able to see the new approver allocated to employees in:

People > Employees > Change

Please Note - This function tracks histories of any changes that you do. You can see this via Administration > HR > History > Employee job history. 

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