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Deleting Timeoff In Lieu Balances

The only time you should ever delete these values is if a mistake has been made. You should never delete or edit them simply to make a time off balance calculate correctly. The main reason is that the values for time off in lieu are cumulative.

For example, Joe Bloggs has 5 hours TOIL. He takes those hours, the system has 5 hours TOIL recorded and his balances are correct.

He then gets another 5 hours TOIL, but you decide to delete his previous 5 hours. Once you do this, he still has 5 hours TOIL booked but he now has no allowance. As a result, his TOIL balance will be 0 and not the 5 he is entitled to.

If you find an obvious error in time off in lieu, you can delete the values. For example someone with an incorrect time off in lieu value due to a mistake in a timesheet. Under any other circumstances, you should leave all time off in lieu values.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 4 years ago
