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Reporting Example: Time Off Balances

In many cases it's beneficial to have a quick and easy-to-read report on time off balances across your organisation, the following report recipe will provide a guide for creating such a report to allow you to efficiently monitor your employee's time off use. This is only a guide and can be changed or built upon in order for the report to better suit your needs.

To get started navigate into Reporting -> Report Builder. Once you're in Report Builder click the Add button to create a new report.

Report builder is cut up into various sections for each aspect of the report, I'll name each section below and then list what the value(s) for that section should be.

Report Builder

  1. Select a Report Type - Table.
  2. Select a Data Source - Time Off Balances.
  3. Select a Report Name - Time Off Balances (or anything suitable).
  4. Select a Report Description - Add as required.
  5. Select Report Category - Add as required.
  6. Select Fields - Full Name, Time off type, Starting Balance, Booked, Taken, True Balance. ( if you'd like to see any further information then simply select one of the available fields and the data will then appear for each record once the report is viewed.
  7. Select Group By Field - Full Name.
  8. Select Aggregates - Null.
  9. Select Order By: - Null.
  10. Select Filters - In my example I only want to see the time off balances for Holiday Summary and Carryover, to do this I've added a filter like so:
    • Time Off Type | Equals | Holiday Summary, Carryover.
    • If you'd also like to restrict the records to certain time off types you can just select your own time off types in the filter above, similarly you can add filters for any field in this data source for example department, in order to further refine your report.
  11. Table Options:
    • CSV Field Separator: Comma (this field just specifies what character is used to separate the fields when exporting it to a CSV, comma is the most common choice but ultimately it's entirely your choice.

Once complete click Save Report followed by View Report. Your report should look something like this:

You should see one record or 'line' per time off type which the employee has an allowance within, in the example above only Dan Parker has carryover at the moment so for Ben Admin and Aimee Hancock there is no Carryover record.

This is a very simple guide on creating a time off balance report to display the breakdown of time off allowances, it can be built upon and adapted in order to refine or change the data which is displayed by adding in more filters. This report recipe can be used as a head start to creating your own bar chart reports in HRWize and can then be expanded upon later on.

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