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Getting Started

  • Localisation

    To access the Localisation settings, go to the top right-hand corner of your homepage, and click on your name. This will bring you to the localisation settings page where you can change the timezone, ...

  • SMS - Text Messaging

    In HRWize, you can send SMS (text messages) to your employees to notify them of cases such as any business continuity (fire, flooding, natural disasters, security emergencies, etc.), regulatory requir...

  • Getting Started - Adding Company Information

    When setting up the HRWize system for the first time, you will go through a setup process to ensure your new HR information system can be used to its highest ability straight away. To set up details s...

  • Testing Self-Service

    If you want to test self service (and specifically if you want to test timesheets and expenses), you will need to add employees and users to your account. A user is linked to an employee file so you w...

  • Turn Off Auto-Fill In Your Web Browser

    The auto-fill feature automatically fills in fields according to the data you have previously used. In most cases, this is a useful function but can often cause frustration when automatically entering...

  • Editor Functionality

    There are numerous editors in the system where you can make changes to imagery, text, link, etc. Wherever it is applicable, you can make the following changes to text, images, etc. in an editor field ...