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I cannot receive emails to

If your HRWize work email address is registered with, HRWize will send your notification emails to that address. If you believe you are not receiving these emails, your Gmail account has labelled or categorized them and placed the email elsewhere than where you expect it.

The first thing to check is to:

  • Check your Junk or Spam folders.
  • Check your Social and Promotions tabs.
  • Check the Starred, Important, and All Mail system labels.

Below is a walkthrough of some of the things to try in Gmail specifically.

  1. To rectify this, simply select one or more messages, ticking the box next to the messages and drag them over the Primary tab (note Google refers to the messages as conversations).
  2. Another option within the Promotions tab is to right-click the message in question and select "Move to tab" and then "Primary".
  3. Upon moving the message/conversation, you then get a request at the top of your screen asking if you want to do this for all future messages from, for example, in this case, Click yes and you should never have to do this again. Please note that this works at an email address level, so just because you add doesn't mean that will be treated the same. See the next note for how to do this.
  4. If you want to add a whole domain to a safe list/white list, you can do so using Filters. To create a filter, click the down-facing arrow to the right of the search bar and to the left of the blue search button.
  5. Once the form appears, you can then enter an email address or a domain into this box - adding the domain will mean all messages from will be treated in this way.
  6. Finally, once you click "Create filter with this search", you will see the below screen. The main option to note is "Never send it to Spam" - you can of course create and use other labels and categories, etc., but if you tick the "Never send it to Spam" box, you are telling Google that you want to receive emails from Hence, it should no longer regard these as spam.

If you have tried the above and you are not having any success, you either need to contact Gmail or change your work email address.

Please Note - If you are trying to reset your password and so on, requesting multiple times in a short period is more likely to cause delays than fix them as Gmail will see lots of emails coming from one email address with the same content and will automatically assume it is spam meaning it is less likely to arrive or the delay will be increased. You only need to request your password or PIN once and then wait a reasonable time (hours) before requesting again or contacting support.

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