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Home Screen

Right-side of Homepage

From top to bottom:

Announcements: Adds the same way as the previous system by going to Administration > HR > Announcements. Whenever a new announcement has been posted, a notification on top of the announcements' icon will appear as a badge

To do list: Any workflow notices, time off, training, expenses etc. that needs to be completed or approved will appear on this list right here. Any new added to do will have, once again, a new badge shown displayed on the icon.

Social stream: As always, a new social steam post will display a badge on the icon.

Time tracking

Employee pulse: Once your employee pulse has been submitted, the icon will disappear from your homepage:

On the top right, we always have the search function, any tickets, and your employee profile with its localisation, password change, and the sign out button.

Centre of Homepage

On your right, you will see the actions you would like to do in the system, such as adding an expense, a mileage, a timesheet, requesting a training, a time off, and to recognize a colleague.

Just below the actions, you have on your left, your time off allowance, telling you how many days remaining on your allowance, the deadline to your full allowance, and a request time off button to easily request a time off. When requesting a time off, a pop up will appear instead of directing you to a different page:

On the right, you have your time off wheel, which the respective breakdown.

Just below, we have your company home page message! You can one by going to Administration > Company > Company information.

Upcoming items for any time off, training ,etc. are booked with the respective dates, and the days left counted.

You have a choice to put up goals in the employee’s portal. When you select yes in Display settings > Show goal progress on employee home screen, goals will appear here:

As always, your mission statement, vision, values and behaviours are presented here.

The today's activities will appear, thus any time off related will be shown here. You can always remove this by clicking on your Employee file > Dashboard metrics, then untick the "Today's activities".

Next, we have your employees.  You can now view each of your employee's status (if they're out or in the office), its time off remaining, and so much more! You can filter your employees by manager's name, department, site, and cost centre. If you want to go back to your full employees, you can click on "Clear filters".

You also have your dashboard metrics, so any analytics will appear here with the respective meaning on each.

Calendar: You can now filter your calendar by item types, status whether it's approved, pending, or all, and even by team!

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