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Employee Map

- Wizer and Wizest version only -

Within HRWize, we record and capture a lot of information on employees including their working days, time off, timesheets and more. You can use the Employee map to get an annual view of the employees' absence in a single image.

To views an employee's map, go to:

People > Employees

After clicking Map, you'll see a screen like this:

The Employee map provides an overview of the employee in the current calendar year and shows the information colour coded.

The days where the employee is not contracted to work are marked in grey.
This information is taken from employee normal working days/hours and, if this is not populated, then the company level normal working days. Should that also not be populated then we assume the employee works Monday to Friday.

The days where the employee is contracted to work are worked in green. If your company uses timesheets or time tracking, then we will additionally check if the employee has an approved or pending timesheet, or time tracking record for that day. If they do then the day will show as green and, if not, then the day will show as yellow indicating information may be missing and should be checked.

The days where the employee has approved time off, where the time off type is set to authorized, are marked in blue. For example, holidays.

The days where the employee has approved time off, where the time off type is NOT set to authorized, are marked in red. For example, unauthorized sickness.

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